South Downs Way Double

Cycle 200 miles, climb 22,000ft and open 200 gates in under 24 hours

For thousands of years, people have been crossing the South Downs using nothing but the power of their own two legs and in all that time, every traveller has been looking for the easiest route: what’s the quickest way over the next hill – around it, over it, or across its flanks? Eventually, out of all those small, individual decisions a trail emerged, worn into the chalk over countless journeys.

The end result of all those collective decisions and knowledge is the South Downs Way.

Of course, of all those people over all those years, someone’s got to have made the quickest journey, there-and-back. Nowadays, that’s going to be someone riding a bike.

200 miles (there and back). 24 hours to do it in. It’s that simple.

Congratulations to Adam Wheelwright

Congratulations to Adam Wheelwright

Adam Wheelwright – 19h 20m 21s on the 24th of June 2021. Despite bad cramps Adam still put in a sub 20h time! In Adams words Having ridden the South Downs Way (SDW) from Winchester to Eastbourne in the summer of 2019 and then stepping up to do the North Downs Way last...

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Congratulations to Adam Rogers

Congratulations to Adam Rogers

Adam Rogers – 23h 55m 0s on the 6th of June 2021. Fog tried it's best to stop Adam joining the club, but in the end he made it with 5 minutes to spare! In Adams wordsAfter having tried the double last August with Dan Ellis and getting to 166 miles before having to...

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Congratulations to Phil Thomas

Congratulations to Phil Thomas

Phil Thomas - 22h 54m 41s on the 5th of June 2021. Hundreds of Macmillan walkers and a strong headwind were not going to stop Phil joining the Hall of Fame! Details to follow

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Current record holder
Ian Leitch

15 hours 35 minutes

Hall of Fame

All ride times and records for the South Downs Way Double.

The route

Maps, Distances, Timing, GPS data and water sources.

Trying the Double

Advice and tips on your preperation for the double.


Advice and tips on your preperation for the double.